Many years ago as a teenager I started doing yoga with my mother, who eventually stopped going but I continued. Fast forward to the 90’s … I was still doing yoga, trying different styles when I could get to a class with a grreat teacher. Later, about 16 years ago I experienced an emotional crisis. My […]
Why Yoga?
Yoga is about healing………Its an invitation to a better life. One of the things my clients have in common is that they are all looking for change at some level. Typically they are busy people, challenged and time pressed and are concerned about their levels of health and lack of vitality, or just feeling more […]
My Top Ten Minute Tasks
This is one of the things I am committing to this year – 2011. Whenever I have ten minutes spare, or rather whenever I make ten minutes spare, I will power along with a ten minute task. You can get a lot done in ten minutes: Meditate Ten Minutes Surya Namaskara (sun salutation) Tidy desk top […]
Why won”t you Meditate?
I find there is a huge resistance to meditating in the general population. When I talk to people about it they either haven’t tried it but know they can’t do it, or they have tried it once or twice but “can’t empty my mind”. If you feel you fall into one of those categories I […]